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marți, 8 iunie 2010
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata) is a small tree found in parts of Indonesia, Philippines, Cook Islands, Madagascar and Reunion. Name, "flower of flowers" describes very well the great inflorescence, whose colors range from light pink, purple and yellow. Perfume is a sweet, intensely floral, exotic.
Ylang Ylang essential oil is obtained by distillation of flowers and is rich in monoterpenes and aromatic alcohols (linalool, geraniol), as well as esters.
This plants grown in tropical lands can significantly improve your love life couple. Indonesian newlyweds found their bed full of ylang ylang flowers with strong perfumes because they have antidepressant properties, aphrodisiac, sedative and euphoric. Because it has sedative and calming for the nervous system, relaxing ylang ylang essential oil is very effective in reducing sexual difficulties caused by stress, anxiety, tense or depressed and has a favorable effect on hypertension.
On the psychological level, with properties described above, the strong smell of essential oils sharpens the senses and eases depression, fear, jealousy, anger and frustration.
As a precaution we recommend a careful dose of ylang ylang essential oil as it has a strong aroma and can cause headaches or nausea.
NOTE: middle/base
Data are presented as a guide. We refer strictly to the therapeutic action which essential oils have in aromatherapy, any other uses requiring a specialty or a medical consultation.
marți, 1 iunie 2010
Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint is one of the oldest medicinal plants which have references in historical sources, was used by ancient civilizations (Greeks, Romans, Egyptians) in medicine and recipes as well.
Over time, the mint has developed hybrids, which is why now is found in the wild from Europe to North America and Australia. In 1879 the British Medical Journal said that menthol acts to relieve headaches and pains. Thus fashion market required the emergence and development of businesses that use flavorings and essential oils, especially the production of scented candles.
Mentha piperita plant name comes from a legend about Myntha nymph that had transformed into a plant and the second latin word associated with pepper - the smell is pungent and aromatic and it's released when the plant is crushed.
Peppermint essential oil is extracted from whole plants, just before bloom, by steam distillation. It can be used fresh or dried plant part and as we talk about alcohol chemical composition (the main component is menthol), tannins and flavonoids, bitter principle, oleanolic acid and ketones.
Because of the chemical structure, the action of peppermint essential oil is manifested in several directions: tonic, bactericide, fungicide, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, stimulates periferic microcirculation. On the respiratory has beneficial effects as an expectorant, indicated in coughing crysis. Has decongestant and antispasmodic properties, very useful when talking with asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu.
On the emotional, essential oil of peppermint is a stimulant, the flavour removes fatigue, shock, mental blur and help the concentration.
But be kept in mind that, although it has the therapeutic effects of steam inhalation (talking about aromatherapy), pregnant women and children under 1 year should be protected from overdose!
NOTE: peak
Data are presented as a guide. We refer strictly to the therapeutic action which essential oils have in aromatherapy, any other uses requiring a specialty or a medical consultation.
sâmbătă, 22 mai 2010
Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary or "dew of the sea" is, after lavender, the most important plant from the Labiatae family used in aromatherapy. It is a shrub that grows throughout Europe, but a favorable climate for optimum development is the Mediterranean coastline.
It is known since ancient times, used as a medicine, ritual component and spice. In Greece for example, poor people had no access to expensive incense and they use to burn rosemary sprigs on the altars of the gods. The Romans considered it sacred herb and rosemary traces were found even in tombs of Pharaohs.
Rosemary's antiseptic and antibacterial extraordinary effects come from antiquity; 2000 years ago it was used in cooking "industry" and food was kept fresh for days. In French hospitals, until the twentieth century, air was purified by burning fresh branches. Today is a good improvement on the flu, colds, cough and is considered along with other essential oils (peppermint, pine, eucalyptus, fir, etc.) an adjuvant for respiratory diseases and a perfect body toning.
Rosemary essential oil is obtained by distilling the leaves or flowering tops.
Talking about therapeutic effects, essential oil of rosemary enhance blood flow to the brain, helping to increase capacity to improve concentration and memory. Also, through aromatherapy, rosemary oil is effective against migraines, headaches and general debility, weakness, nervousness, has good effects on insomnia, anguish, vertigo, depression, prolonged fatigue.
On the affective, the smell of rosemary oil will help release internal energy, we feel stronger, invigorated. Help improve relationships with others and prevents nausea, dark thoughts or nightmares, balance both body and mind.
NOTE: middle
Data are presented as a guide. We refer strictly to the therapeutic action which essential oils have in aromatherapy, any other uses requiring a specialty or a medical consultation.
sâmbătă, 8 mai 2010
Pine Tree Essential Oil
Pine (Pine aetheroleum) is one of the most impressive of conifers, with an imposant stature and a great foliage. No wonder the Asian paintings occupy an important place, causing specific styles and special designs.
The essential oil is achieved by driving steam leaf pine (Pinus sylvestris, Fam. Pinaceae) and is a strong antiseptic, useful as help to colds, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, acute cough dry or wet, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis etc.
Internal or external, pine tree essential oil has a lot of therapeutic effects from liver disease and urinary flow to activating area where is applied, adjuvant in rheumatic diseases, arthritis, periarthritis, gout, multiple sclerosis, poor peripheral circulation (cold hands and feet) twists and stretches the ligaments or allergies.
You must know that is a good stimulant of the nervous system, as indicated in fatigue and nervous exhaustion.
Pine essential oil is good for refreshment and daily stress, it scents rooms and changes the state of mind in a positive one.
As a contraindication, is mentioned that any form of children under 3 years must not swallow it or use without medical advice!
NOTE: Peak.
Data are presented as a guide. We refer strictly to the therapeutic action which essential oils have in aromatherapy, any other uses requiring a specialty or a medical consultation.
Through essential oils scented candles to aromatherapy
The term aromatherapy is a relatively new, appeared in France and is seen as part of alternative medicine - modern phytotherapy.
Aromatherapy uses essential oils, also known as ethereal or volatile, stored in cells stored from different parts of plants (roots, leaves, flowers etc.), fruit or peel them, sometimes even seeds. Usually have a pleasant smell and can be obtained by steam distillation, squeezing or pressing, skin incisions, heating or using special solvents (alcohol, ether).
Due to the chemical composition (phenols, alcohols, aldehydes, terpenes, etc.), herbs were found to have therapeutic properties like antiseptic, bacteriostatic, antibacterial, antitoxin, or antiparasitic worms and so many more. It turned out that even where bacteria develop strains resistant to antibiotics, essential oils have acted with annihilation and "cleaned" our body. Thus is proved with basil, cinnamon, rosemary effect in treating conditions such as enterocolitis, enteritis, acute hepatitis, colitis, asthma or cardiac neurosis.
There are oils with stimulating properties or inhibition of digestive function, hormonal secretions, or with influence for the immune mechanisms of human body, nervous system, lymphatic, circulatory, etc.
About the therapeutic effects of each essential oil used by EcoDecoLight we will assign a separate article that described the effects of vapor inhalation and flavourful combinations that enhances their effect by appending several aromas.
Essential oils are highly concentrated substances, whose use requires careful dilution or dosage. More attention should be given to the use on skin, because you will need a preliminary documentation and possibly a specialist advice; overdose can cause burns or irritation so unpleasant, and sometimes can occur even a hormonal imbalance. For these reasons, EcoDecoLight comes with a dose well-documented and less powerful, just because our candles can be burn safely near pregnant women and children, knowing that they are more sensitive to chemical changes in air space. This is the main reason we chose Eco candles!
Because we entered the season of colds and respiratory diseases, first line is the one proposed EcoDecoLight scented candles that addresses the volatile oil composition with therapeutic action in the respiratory system, so as to provide ease of breathing, room air disinfection, have soothing and expectorant properties. These are essential oils of Pine, Eucalyptus, Fir, Mint, Rosemary and Lavender. It's a proven fact that inhaled essential oils go into the circulatory system (blood) faster than by oral administration.
In most cases, essential oils have no side effects, as long as one dose is not excessive. Even so, a slight headache or slight nausea are more gentle and are preferred than drug toxicity, especially antibiotic.
Aromatherapy can be, but with the appropriate medication, a powerful tool in the fight for a healthy body and permanent wellbeing.
It should be noted however, that some essential oils can annihilate the effects of homeopathic treatment, so you must ask for homeopathy consultation or an alternative medicine specialist.
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